50% of 2021 has gone !


50% of 2021 has gone ! 

Sound like a SALES headline eh ?! 

What have you done so far ? On track of what you intended to do for 2021? 

All good? 

This is really a difficult time for a lot of people and businesses, if you are one of the victim of this lockdown maybe can take this opportunity to rethink and replan your remaining 2021. 

As for the current market situation, even though most of the country have their citizen vaccinated but the Delta virus seems more aggressive than its parents... I think we still need sometime to be back to the pre-Covid17 ... 

Since most of us are WFH for the moment why not take some time to sit down and reflect... How you can do better in the second half of 2021. Don't go too far, a six months plan is good enough for now as it's too much of uncertainty. 

There are a few ways to do this, see which one is suits you more;

1. Meditate & reflect, a very good way to have a close-conversation with yourself. Write down all your thoughts so that you have a clear mind to execute all your unfinished goals. Sometimes too much worries hold us back from moving forward.

2. Virtual brain storming session with your mentor or close friends (not too many people preferably someone same or close wave-length with you), have a deep conversation and write down what is the possibilities available for you. 

3. List down all your wish for 2021 then do a micro planning for each of the wish how you can realising all the wishes in your list. (please be realistic of the list, plan something achievable, know your opportunities & limitations. A realistic plan will motivates you to move further) 

#DREL50 #LoveLifeLoveAll