Stay Competitive in 2020


As the current economy outlook is soft, which already effected many companies, not to mention the recent outbreak which made the situation worst and also made some of the entrepreneurs started picnicking of their future business outlook. In order to stay ahead in the challenging economy climate, some leaders start look at the alternative resources and start looking for a better strategy to improve their businesses while other leaders started to look at the what their competitors are doing and try to either to copy or counter the competitors' strategies. 

The best way to sustain a business is to be innovative to strategised a brand new business model to replace the existing business model, be creative in planning the new business strategy to win over existing and new customers and also making full use of their resources available this including the Human Resource. 

The Human Resources include the internal and external human resources. The internal human resources are referring to the employees and the external human resources are refer to the suppliers, the business associates etc.   
Relook into the internal human resources' strengths and weakness and see how you could make full use of the strengths to over come the currents weakness to stay competitive in the market place. Examining the external contact list to see who can be team up with your organisation to stay ahead in the industry. 

The last thing to do during the bad time is to focus on the competitors, to know what the competitors are doing is crucial as we need to know what is the market movement like, but do remember this as well, when you focus too much on your competitors means you are started to chasing and playing by the rules of what your competitors are good at rather than what your company is good at as a unique selling point. 

Start create your own unique selling points and stay ahead in the market place. 
